I, alongside my students Teacher Aid and Speech Language Therapist, developed a CAOS plan in a release session around my students needs and interests. Below is the plan we have going forward. There are a few resources that we need to make and then we are good to go.
After speaking to his caregiver I am very please with the progress PK has made over the last year and I am even more excited to see how things will go with our new programme.
CAOS Plan and Strategies (Term 1 2018)
The CAOS framework has been used to choose priority areas for learning in the classroom. In discussion with Jess and (TA) the following goals and strategies have been selected. The strategies can be put into place straight away and tie into routine activities in the classroom.
It is hoped that with mastery of these goals PK will be better equipped to actively take part in classroom learning activities.
CAOS Goals:
- Communication:
- PK will independently and verbally request “Can you help me (please)?” to an adult as required.
(Next step: Request help from a peer)
- PK will use the vocabulary first-next-then to talk about a 3 part routine activity (to happen in the future).
(Next step: to be discussed – possibly first-then to share a recall or before-after for a routine activity)
- Attention:
- PK will transfer his attention from a favoured activity to a less favoured activity.
(Next step: less favoured – less favoured - favoured)
- Organisation:
- PK will use the vocabulary first-next-then to complete and talk about a 3 part pattern. (Next step: to be discussed – possibly first-then or before-after )
- Social Interaction:
- PK will turn-take with one peer in a structured activity
(Next step: turn-take with 2 peers in a structured activity)
Resources to be trialled
Classroom strategies
Visual reminder about asking for help on wall.
Visual reminder about first-next-then vocab on wall.
Visual coloured first-next-then board with whiteboard pen.
Visual coloured first-next-then board with whiteboard pen.
Token reinforcement system
Work in Progress signs
Mini first-next-then board to deconstruct pattern at the end of the activity and prompt adult use of first-next-then language.
Social Interaction
Turn-taking activities e.g. Marble run, Trains, Car track, Alphabet/Thomas puzzle
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