Toolkit session:
Here's a link to help you gain some info before arriving or there to use in our session. We are in Studio Tangaroa(far right end) Rawhiti School.
Drinks: 3:30pm Start 4:00pm-to 5:00pm
Use this link to refer to for help.
E-asTTle is for learning not of. It is not designed for pre and post tests. It is to help group and take them to the next steps. It helps to guide your teaching and so the teachers can see through the eyes of the students.
Students get self-efficacy and they can see they that are improving. The cut score shows how far they have moved on the continuum. You have to understand what big gains are and what they means for the child. Whether the test is too easy, they have achieved highly in one area etc.
The link here can tell you the answer to any question. How test can be adapted for an adaptive test, can customize tests, compare test etc.
When you test, you need to give a multi level test. It will break down B, P, A (Beginning, proficient and advance) and the Level into percentages to advice where the child is at accurately.
In writing you don't get any choice of levels.
Writing is a cold test-there is no warm up. 4-5 min to discuss. If you write things on the board in discussion make sure you rub it off prior to starting the test. 40 min to do the test. You can set the purpose of the test, e.g. recount, persuasion etc. From their you can choose the writing prompt/theme.
If it is a photo print it in colour, laminate for the kids to use and put it up on the projector. Black and white photo copy is unacceptable. You want the children to do the best writing as you can. Prompts need to be colour and clear.
When using voice to text for non writers...When you're going through the writing you have to say to yourself is this B, P, A? What level is he at?
Different genres have an extra marking guide for surface features.
There are certain things that will move them up a Level. e.g Oraganisation the one thing to move a child from R3 to R4 is a missing line indicating paragraphs.
If you look at the class you will be able to identify next steps. E.g if they are not doing paragraphs well you can do 6 weeks on paragraphs then re-test.
The modelled writing and feedback when marking with children, is when children will learn these skills. Self efficacy will pick up when they start to make gains and from feedback.
CSV sheets: copy and paste from e-asTTle into a google spreadsheet.
Check the cut scores. If the child is staying within the same level you need to check how far within that level they have moved. If they have not moved much this needs to be looked at. Check the average and the mean also.
Individual Learning and Pathway interpretation guide
The blue part in the "gas tank" looking graph shows the National Average and the line is where they are at. These sheets give you a run down on each child. It has there overall score and each of the seven areas broken down. The graphs give the child's range which allows for good and bad days. You can compare to the National average also. You can see the strengths and what the child has achieved, to be achieved and gaps. You can see straight away next steps and what to teach next. All "ticks" are weighted differently e.g. one thing right doe not equal one point.
Find this- view reports-select child or group-"learning pathways report"
What this means for me?
I did not know that you could go in and make such specific graphs to guide teaching and learning. I will have to go and see how my class did from our last assessment in Term 2. From this I will be able to see what the overall next steps for the kids in my class are. This will be a great addition to guiding assessment in my writing and making sure I am meeting my children's learning needs to the best of my ability. This may be of more benefit the next time we do this assessment as the previous assessment was 6-7 weeks ago and there would have been some movement.
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