Monday, 7 May 2018

Creativity Meeting/PD- Manaiakalani

Creativity- Lessons need to have a hook. This helps with behaviour management. The more interesting the lesson the more engaged the children will be. Creating is part of the Manaiakalani Structure. Creativity empowers learning.

LCS Overview.png

Today's Tasks:
Make a duck out of 7 pieces of lego. 7 pieces, no more, no less. Share back to the group after.
-The task was very engaging and would be achievable by 5 year olds. 

Task: to create a paper plane that flies forward 3 metres, then turns to the left. You need to record this to share with others. Use the link below to scaffold your learning in the task.
By doing this task you use your prior knowledge and the information provided to create something and learn something new.

These are the video's we shared as evidence of our task. It was a fun task that I'm sure would engage the children also. At the end of the task we were asked to evaluate our work and discuss and the materials we used and how the creative opportunities would work for our children. Tasks like this encourage and develop creativity.

Use as a reading task and take notes on what works. By playing around with the facts and trying to create something the children will learn more and retain it. 

Today's session was a good reminder as to why creativity is important. We discussed how engaged we were and ways to use technology to advance the learning and share the learning to have a purpose. Use the iPad's as an avenue to help share their learning. This is something on reflection I need to do more as creativity empowers learning.

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